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Monday, December 4, 2006

These are a few of my favourite things...

We all are unique in our own way, aren’t we?

Not just genetically, but also intellectually, emotionally & spiritually we all are different. It means that not a single man or woman (you see male chauvinism isn’t a part of my dictionary…hee hee) who ever lived on earth is like you, me or anyone else in this world. Voila!!! Isn’t that really amazing?

I believe that – “Never do something because you have to…do it because you want to!!!” Mixing desire with action is a sure shot recipe to success. When you do something out of love…you always tend to go the extra mile & that’s one thing that will set you apart from others. Your work will get noticed & you will go places!!! So love your work…make your vocation your vacation!!!

So let me now tell you about a few of my favourite things:

Music….did I just say music? Hee hee …Well music is my passion, my obsession….I simply cannot live without it. I love to play the keyboard (am a novice though). I love all kinds of music (except rock & metal). However, if music were a religion, then A. R. Rahman would have been GOD today.

Movies….I am a complete movie buff…..the script, how the characters evolve, the sets, costumes, background score, the direction, cinematography, music, the cast & crew all these things excite me. Movies have taught me a lot about the human psyche….it has given me the most precious asset that I possess today – How to read the mind of a person by reading his body language, facial expressions, gestures, mannerisms, & other such non-verbal cues. Trust me non-verbal communication is extremely powerful….sometimes to understand the finer nuances of acting…I even watch a particular scene from a movie many times. I know I am a fanatic at times…hee hee

Reading…I am a voracious reader when it comes to reading something, that excites me. I am a complete bibliomaniac. But since my intensity of reading has toned down a little over the past few years, calling me a bibliophile would just do it.

Writing…since I love to read so much….it’s obvious that I love to write as well. It’s been my dream to see my book (not published yet) appear on the New York Times Bestseller List for atleast 52 weeks. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Publishing & Blogging…I would certainly like to take this opportunity to thank for giving us (bloggers) such a wonderful platform to express our ideas, beliefs, opinions, & passions. It really feels good to be a part of the online community. Thank you once again.

Digital Photography….digitally stealing the nature (that’s what my friend GC would say about photography) is my passion. I love to take snaps & enjoy experimenting with my Camera. Mind you….I am not a professional photographer though…I only pursue it as a hobby. So you can say that I am just an amateur photographer enthusiast.

Cars…I love four-wheeling…sometimes when you get bored after a long & stressful day… nothing can be more relaxing than going for a long drive with your favourite music on. Aahh…I am getting ideas now…hee hee. My Dream Machine would be a Bentley… but then….I would also like to own a Maybach, BMW, Porsche, Lamborghini, Ferrari…My God!!! I am again getting a lot of ideas now…Amit, enough is enough!!!

Finance, Investing & Capital Markets…I just love anything & everything that’s even remotely relating to finance. Finance is not only my passion but also my vocation (I am doing my MBA in Finance). I am a financial advisor in ICICI Prudential & I just love my work. It’s my dream to be a certified financial planner one day. Tathaastu!!!

Eating…I am a complete foodie…a food connoisseur if you wanna say so. I like all kinds of food & I like to try out new stuff every now & then. People eat to live…I live to eat… but thankfully I have kept my weight in check…hee hee.

Sleeping…yes you read it right…I love to sleep…nothing in this world is as refreshing as a good night’s sleep. Sometimes even a power nap can be extremely refreshing.

Visiting new places…is my passion. The world is a beautiful place & it’s my dream to visit all the beautiful places around the world to witness the diversity of cultures, history, heritage & values.

Computer Games…I was a hardcore gamer once upon a time…but these days I hardly get any time to play games. However, whenever I get free time, I do play games on my PC.

Software’s…I like to download & try different software’s…There are many good software’s available on the net today & sometimes it can turn out to be a daunting task to decide as to which ones to download & which ones to avoid. So maybe in my next post I might address this issue…lets see how it goes…

Mumbai…I am passionate about the fact that I am a Mumbaiite. It’s a city where dreams come true. It’s one of the fairest of cities in the world today, as it gives equal opportunities to one & all. The people, the food, the culture, the values, the fast paced life....everything about Mumbai just rocks!!!

Life…some people get high on booze, some get high on dope….well I get high on life. I love my life soooo much that I wish to be immortal at times. Who knows maybe 20-30 years down the line, we might have life enhancing drugs. Well, I am keeping my fingers crossed. Impossible is nothing!!!

So that’s all that there is to it…as far as my passions go. Now that, you all know what I love doing…let me tell you what’s in store for you @ amit’s digital world. It’s gonna be a mixed bag of all the above. My posts will talk about music, people, places, movies, cultures, food, lifestyles, entertainment & many more things…things that I love doing.

So be a regular here @ amit’s digital world & make your life a celebration.

Cheers…..happiness forever :-)

- AD


Ani said...

Can't agree more about the comment on Rahman dude ....

nice post ...on the whole too...


Anonymous said...

dude gr8 workkk.......
cars food music all fr8...

but u gotta add more abt urself...
abt wat u r, wat u do n stuff......

overall lovely workk........

Anonymous said...

well m new here.
trying to learn new things

Anonymous said...

me too an mba aspirant.planning to take up in finance.
can u tell where did u do your mba from