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Saturday, December 2, 2006

Letter from the Publisher…

Yesterday I was deeply pondering over - “what exactly should my blog contain?”

If there are soooo many blogs on the blogosphere - why would anyone want to be a regular at amit’s digital world? It finally dawned upon me, that my blog must be an extension of my own personality. When a blunkie (blunkie is short for blog junkie – you see, I took a license for it) visits my blog, he must not only decipher a little something about me, but also must be able to enrich his grey matter!!!

So each post must have a stamp of “Amit” written all over it. The real challenge lies in maintaining the right balance between creativity, ingenuity, diversity & simplicity. It must infuse a freshness of ideas into the minds of all those who are directly or indirectly associated with me & my work.

So to reach the right concoction, it requires a great deal of study on the subject that I am writing on. It is the responsibility of every individual to add value to his field of work. Plagiarism has no place in the gamut of creativity. So you will never see a “cut-copy-paste” stuff on my blog ever. I set very high standards for myself & hence I completely refrain from creativity theft. Nonetheless, if I happen to come across any article, news, story, anecdote, piece of information that’s worth a read….I will surely give credit to the source from where it’s coming.

All this requires a certain level of insanity (a burning desire to excel) & it generally borders around eccentricity. You see, there is always a method to ones own madness!!! The stakes are high, but then I know it’s worth it….as the cliché goes “there is no gain without pain”

After going through the posts on my blog, if you want to comment on any of my writings you are welcome to do so. If your comment is “post-specific” - Please write your comments in the “comments-section” of that particular post which is located just below the post. If your comment is not “post-specific” or is general in nature, you can write your comments by signing my guest book. I would certainly appreciate inputs from your side. Even constructive criticisms are welcome.

Last but not the least; if you happen to be a regular at amit’s digital world, & you enjoy reading the stuff that I write….please spread the good word. In today’s techno-digital world, it hardly takes time for information exchange. It will help me serve you better.

So finally, I would like to sign off now. Let me leave you with something that caught the fancy of my eye yesterday when I was surfing the net. It was a picture of a fly (don’t know which) sitting on the naked eye. I really don’t know whether this pic is real or it’s a photoshop wonder!!!

However if it’s a real pic…the photographer truly deserves an applause for capturing the moment in the pic. It’s simply marvellous, eye-catching, jaw-dropping… well I am running out of superlatives now!!! Any attempt to describe the beauty inherent in the pic would be an understatement.

This picture, I think has a powerful message embedded in it….it tells all of us to live in the NOW…to live in the present moment & make the most of it.

So guys, let the creative juices keep flowing through the mystical glass of life. Life is full of always remember “IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL!!!”

I think you guys have had too much of me by now…kind of an overdose I guess. However as all you guys know that there is never too much of a good thing, please keep visiting my blog & be a regular here!!!

Bye for now…

Lots of Love,
- AD

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